Web Walk


Saturday morning I woke early and noticing the misty morning I decided to walk out into the calm before the household woke up.

Truth be told, spider webs drew me out. When the foggy dew beads up on the fine silk of the webs there is just something magical about it. (Even if the spider does not think so. I imagine it to be quite annoying to them, but it evaporates soon enough.)

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Spending time getting up close with these little architects gives me an appreciation for the struggles faced during the day and how getting the work done, over and over, day after day, is just part of life.

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And things don’t always work as planned. The moth above flew right into this web as I was snapping the photo. Just as quickly it fluttered free and the spider, who had sprung into action a little too late, returned to waiting patiently for the next opportunity to come along.

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Sometimes getting wrapped up in the big picture feels heavy and unbearable. Sometimes it feels like there is no purpose, no light. But then I take a slow, purposeful walk around the yard, down the trail, at the seashore and I see the little things that make up this big world, and I know it is not my place to know everything, not my job to solve all of the problems, not my knowing everything that will make it all better. Sometimes it is just the noticing, the acknowledging, and the caring that make it all make sense.

If you are like me, and wonder about just how those droplets manage to form on spider silk, you might like to read this.

Thanks for taking a web walk with me and pondering things big and small.

~ Dawn

Look Closely & Enjoy the Journey

Sometimes I see things through the lens of my camera that I would otherwise miss.

The other day I was exploring in the backyard and I wanted to get some pictures of the Labrador tea flowers. I started at one bunch and without much thought moved over to another.

fly spider 0-1

After snapping a photo I noticed the wing of a fly. Thinking it was feeding I kept my camera focused on it in hopes that it would come up and I could get a shot of it on top of the flowers. It did not move. Since flies are usually quite busy creatures it did not take long for me to figure out something was slightly off with this situation. I needed to get a closer, unobstructed view, so I lowered my camera and peeked up over the edge of the flowers.

Fly spider 1-1

Much to my surprise I found that the fly was not feeding, but had been caught for someone elses lunch!

Fly spider 2-1

Crab spiders are crafty critters and we often find these amazing ones on flowers. They tend to frequent the yarrow when it is blooming, but you have to get down really low and look under the flower head to find where the spider is hiding out, waiting to pounce.

Fly spider 3-1

Countless time I have discovered things like this through the lens of my camera; things I would have most certainly missed had I not been focusing in on something to capture it for whatever reason (often to look it up later, but many times just to hold on to the beauty).

While some find it a distraction to take lots of photos while out on the trail, I find that it helps me to take a closer look at all of the small things around me, that often get overlooked when trekking along with just a destination in mind. It is my way to take the time to look closely and enjoy the journey!

Happy exploring!

And, don’t forget to enjoy the journey!


P.S. I have noticed that interest in these types of observations have gone though cycles with the kids. When they were very young I could easily interest them in these little details, but as they have gotten older (and have seen things like this so many times before) it takes a bit more to get them to stop in their tracks, or come running over to see what has been discovered. It is all a cycle and while the way we explore nature has changed over the years, I am hoping that my enthusiasm for all of the seasonal interactions that happen year after year will stick with them and someday they will be calling their kids over to see a crab spider lunching on a fly.

And when I called out this day, they still came over to investigate my spider and fly discovery!

Everyday Nature for Families

Everyday Nature for Families Collage

I am super excited to announce my new workshop

Everyday Nature for Families!

In these times with all of the digital distractions vying for our kids attention, kids need a deeper connection with nature more than ever! They need help finding the balance between the practical and entertaining use of technology, and the absolutely necessary engagement with our natural world.

Parents know this is true, and they realize they need to lead the way, but many parents just don’t know where to begin and would love some help to jumpstart the process of unplugging their kids, and themselves, to foster a relationship with our natural world and strengthen their relationship with each other along the way. 

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I have been working to help families get outside and engaged with nature for years now and I am really happy about being able to offer that help to parents in a more direct way.

Please pop on over to the workshop page to learn more about the workshop and how it can benefit you and other parents you know!

Happy Exploring!

~ Dawn