Everyday Nature for Families

Everyday Nature for Families Collage

I am super excited to announce my new workshop

Everyday Nature for Families!

In these times with all of the digital distractions vying for our kids attention, kids need a deeper connection with nature more than ever! They need help finding the balance between the practical and entertaining use of technology, and the absolutely necessary engagement with our natural world.

Parents know this is true, and they realize they need to lead the way, but many parents just don’t know where to begin and would love some help to jumpstart the process of unplugging their kids, and themselves, to foster a relationship with our natural world and strengthen their relationship with each other along the way. 

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I have been working to help families get outside and engaged with nature for years now and I am really happy about being able to offer that help to parents in a more direct way.

Please pop on over to the workshop page to learn more about the workshop and how it can benefit you and other parents you know!

Happy Exploring!

~ Dawn

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